Privacy Policy

August 31th, 2023

OSAKA ENTERTAINMENT CITY Vision Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "committee") establish "Personal data protection policy" to be used services managed by the committee by customers in peace of mind, as well as compliance with the personal data protection law and other related laws for personal data protection, and notify all staff and strive to thoroughly comply.

OSAKA ENTERTAINMENT CITY Vision Executive Committee

This committee will use in a scope of the following purposes about personal data acquired. In addition, when agreed for individual purpose of use, it is based on its purpose of use.

Name of personal data Purpose of use Disclosure category Acquisition method
All kinds of application information Such as ticket sales, tour, event holding by the committee sponsored handling of application items Disclosure Direct aquisition in written document
Inquiry information Response to inquiry Disclosure Direct aquisition in written document
Transaction information Business contact with customer / execution of contract Disclosure Direct aquisition in written document
Membership information Management of this committee Disclosure Direct aquisition in written document

This committee will not provide it to a third party beyond the scope agreed in advance other than the provision of the laws on obtaining personal data.

The committee may share personal data within necessity to achieve purposes of use of personal data by sharing with entrepreneurs who are members. In that case, personal data items to share, the scope of persons to share it and prescribed items such as purposes of use will either inform to the person or publish on the homepage in advance.

The committee may entrust handling of personal data to entrepreneurs met with standard of personal protection of the committee within the scope of necessity in order to achieve purpose of use of personal data.

The person and an agent of the person have rights to ask for "notifying purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, and use or refusal of service" about the information of the person. In that case, please inquire to the following counter.

As for complaints and consulting services about personal data are accepted at its"inquiry counter for personal data".

Personal data inquiry counter
OSAKA ENTERTAINMENT CITY Vision Executive Committee Secretariat:

This site provides services used Cookie. Cookie is a small text file that any characters written for personal data and when you visit the website, you contact with the website's web server and your internet reading soft (browser), and it is stored in your computer's hard disk drive. In addition, it uses information obtained by using Cookie by processing statistically and such as publishing the information, however, data that identifies you is not included in it.

It uses access long and file for this site's use tendency analysis, site management, detecting user trend and for wide range of demographic data collective use. Hereby, the committee will obtain statistical site information of use about such as visited page, staying time on the page, place just before accessing the site, user's page moving tendency and browser or operating system, however, it will not be used as personal data collection.

This site is encrypted by "SSL" to protect your personal data. Encryption by SSL means that it is a technology to prevent content from being read even if data is intercepted by a third party that when you visit this site and enter personal data such as your name and email address, when such data is transmitted from this server as it is encrypted automatically by the browser being used. When you use a browser not compatible with SSL, you may not access this site or not be able to input data. Yet, generally widely used browsers such as Windows version Internet Explore over 8, Firefox, Chrome, Macintosh version Safari are compatible with SSL.

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